
Who Can Benefit from Using #WritingPrompts?

Everyone! Whether you’re an avid writer or just someone who is interested in the creative and/or therapeutic art of writing, #WritingPrompts is for you.

Studies show that maintaining a daily handwritten journal, or creative writing notebook, can:

  • 1. improve memory,
  • 2. enhance creative expression,
  • 3. lower stress,
  • 4. build self-discipline,
  • 5. eliminate writer’s block, and
  • 6. SO MUCH MORE!

Writer’s Block Got You Down?

Eliminate It, One Day at a Time! When it comes to writer’s block, the struggle is real! If you’ve ever sat at your computer, typewriter, or with pen in hand, but couldn’t get a single word on paper, then you know what writer’s block feels like. #WritingPrompts is the solution you’ve been looking for! Within the pages of #WritingPrompts, you will find over 700 writing prompts that you can use in order or at random, the choice is yours.

Jump-Start Your Creativity with over 700 Unique Writing Prompts! Good writing takes time, practice, and unique ideas. Why not jump-start your imagination with these unique writing prompts and watch as you find your voice and become a more confident writer in just one year.

Now Available on Amazon. To order your copy, CLICK HERE!