Behind Locked Doors – A Drifter…

A drifter in the night he lurks within the shadows and under the cover of the ever forgiving moon-light. Year after year and century after century he finds himself searching for the one who started it all. The one who turned him!

Visions of piercing blue eyes, long red flowing hair, and lips covered and dripping with blood race within his mind haunting his dreams. Every time he hunts – feeds – kills, he sees her face reminding him of the monster he has become. For he will never turn another, never condemn another soul as his as been condemned to live for all eternity in a life of blood lust – a life of sin! Forever alone!

Egypt, Rome, Vienna, Paris, England, Montreal, Asia, Africa, America, nowhere in the world has he found peace. For years he has hidden, deep beneath the earth, within the abandoned mines once rich with gold now dank and dusty. He roams the night, living by only the light of the moon and stars above. He has learned to control the thirst – the hunger no longer consumes his every thought, but still the life he lost taunts him. 

A decision… a mission… a wooden stake to his heart… and no longer shall he walk the earth alone.

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