Why I Write!

It is no secret that becoming a successful author, one who can quit their day job and fully support their lifestyle through their writing, is about as likely as stumbling across a big pot of gold on Saint Patrick’s Day. Okay, maybe it’s not quiet that rare, it does happen… but not very often.


So, why do I write? 

Believe me, it isn’t about the fame and fortune! The fame… hasn’t come. The fortune… sure, I have sold a few books. Actually, I have sold more than a few, but nowhere near the number I would need to sell in order to quit my day job. I’ve sold enough to make back the money I spent on developing and publishing my first two books… So, breaking even, is that the reason I write? NO!

No one wants to put their heart and soul into something they are passionate about just to “break even”. But, like I said for me it isn’t about the fame and fortune. For me it is about the story!

I write because I have stories that fill my head and are itching to come out. I have characters that my imagination has made up… that feel so real to me that they need to have a voice. Okay, maybe you’re thinking that right about now I sound a little crazy… maybe I do, maybe all authors are a bit crazy, but I’m not really saying that I have imaginary friends that talk to me or anything. So, don’t take it the wrong way. I’m just saying that I have, and I think many authors do, an active imagination that presents itself to me through stories. I could keep them all bottled up in my head, but how fun would that be? No much. For me the fun is putting them on paper and seeing if anyone else, no matter how many or how few, thinks they are as cool as I do. If authors didn’t write we wouldn’t have books, plays, movies, TV shows…

Have I had success? That is a hard question – first you have to understand what success really is!

suc·cess [suh k-ses]  Show IPA


  1. the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one’s goals.
  2. the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.
  3. a performance or achievement that is marked by success, as by the attainment of honors: The play was an instant success.
  4. a person or thing that has had success, as measured by attainment of goals, wealth, etc.: She was agreat success on the talk show.

Okay, so I may not have success in the financial sense, but YES I feel I have had success, and let me tell you why… (1) I have accomplished a goal of mine – PUBLISHING A BOOK… Not only one, but two – and I’m getting ready to publish number 3!!! (2) I have a few “fans” that ask me on a pretty regular basis, “when is the next book coming out?” WHAT A GREAT FEELING!!! I love the fact that there are actually people out there… not many but some… that are eagerly waiting for my next book. I’ve only published two books (I did publish a book of poetry before the two novels… but I’m not counting that) but those two books have been read and enjoyed!!! Success!!! (3) Another reason I believe I have had success… There is a girl… in Michigan… who actually wrote a BOOK REPORT for SCHOOL on Awaken, the first book in my Blood Angel Series! SUCH A COOL FEELING!!! Yup, an official school book report about my book was written, turned in, and graded! She sent me a photo (see below) and everything. It was one of my proudest moments as an author. The idea that she enjoyed it that much.

Book Report

So yeah, I might not have financial success from being a self-published author… but I still feel successful, and even if I only have a couple dozen avid readers… I will continue to write for them, and for me!

So, you know my passion and why I do it! What is your passion and why do you do it?

4 thoughts on “Why I Write!

    • Agreed!!! When I got the photo of the book report, I couldn’t stop smiling. The fact that it included photos of what this girl imagined the characters to look like… It just showed me that the characters had become real to her. That is all I have ever wanted with my writing – for my characters to mean something to someone else. 🙂


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